
We would be delighted to assist in finding you a new assignment

Our multi-lingual recruitment team is there to help and discuss your requirements

We would be delighted to assist in finding you a new assignment, whether it is in Kazakhstan, in the UK, South Korea or another international location.

Our multi-lingual recruitment team is there to help and discuss your requirements.

We have summarized some of the advantages of working with Bolashak on the Why Bolashak? Page.

The information in this section also contains information about how we would support you during your assignment, information about Kazakhstan and the locations in country where we operate, some information about our international locations and some testimonials from people who are working with us currently or who have worked with us in the past.

Supporting your assignment

Bolashak is committed to supporting you before, throughout and after your assignment, whether it is in Kazakhstan, the UK, South Korea, or another international location.

Whether you are from Kazakhstan and starting a new assignment on a new project, whether you are an expatriate mobilizing to work in Kazakhstan, or whether you are mobilizing to work in an international location, we are here to make your experience as smooth and as seamless as possible.

Communication is key to this, and you will have a dedicated representative during the recruitment, mobilization and assignment processes, to brief you on everything you need to know, to answer your questions and guide you through things.

The support we provide our personnel covers all aspects of your recruitment, mobilization and employment.

Throughout the recruitment process

• Full briefing on the position and assignment, the terms and conditions and information about the Client and the project

• Assisting with interview arrangements

• Working with you and our clients to agree assignment terms and conditions

Throughout the mobilization process

• Bolashak’s team will carefully guide you through this process. We will manage all aspects of mobilization, including work permit and visa application, travel arrangements, contractual arrangements, a welcome pack providing all the information you require about the location, the project, the site and your assignment, meet and greet, orientation and induction arrangements

Throughout your assignment

• You will have a Bolashak representative to assist and support you throughout your assignment. We are there to provide any assistance you need, dealing with any emergencies while on assignment or travelling, and answering any questions you may have.

Are you looking for a job?

We would be delighted to assist in finding you a new assignment.

Bolashak news

Strengthening International Cooperation
An important international event aimed at strengthening economic ties between Kazakhstan and Italy has concluded in Milan.
Energy Vibes
We would like to thank Supros and the AUPET administration for inviting us to the Energy Vibes event.
Canadian-Kazakstani partnership
In September, the B2B session was held in Almaty, organized by the Alberta Government, the Embassy of Canada in Kazakhstan and PetroCouncil.
Kalamkas-Khazar Operating workshop
In September, Kalamkas-Khazar Operating LLP in cooperation with KazService hosted a workshop on "Development of local content and support for domestic producers in the KKO project" in Almaty.